Thursday, April 14, 2005

Come On Baby Light My Fire (By Match Only Please)

In the car this morning, Jason and I heard on the radio that it is now illegal to bring a lighter on an airplane. That sounds pretty good right? (Other than the fact that why was it still legal to bring one in the first place after that shoe bomber guy?) Then they went on to say that it is still just fine for smokers to bring matches onto a plane.


That was basically my response.

Apparently I have to check a nail file or tweezers but god forbid anyone have to search around for a light once they reach their travel destination. THINK OF ALL THE CIGARETTES THAT WOULD GO UNSMOKED for the twenty mintues it took to go to the little airport convenience stand to buy more matches. WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THOSE POOR CIGARETTES???

At least they had the common sense to ban bull whips.

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