Thursday, November 11, 2004

Note to America


Thank you. It needed to be said.


  1. Denocrats said the sma ething four years ago how all of themwas going leave country if President brush got elected. Last timeI check France nor Canada haven't sent any planes or ships to pick up the democrats. America is more then california and new york lifestyles. I htink it's very hypercritical to think that people in Iraq shouldn't be free. Young lady if you were in Iraq you wouldn't be able to say what you do. What make you better then woman of Iraq? Oh thats right you have ask John Kerry what he believes first. St. John

  2. Wow! Thanks for your comment! You make a great point: If I lived in Iraq I would not be able to say the things I do, which is precisely why I love this country. I have no plans to leave but rather I will stay and keep working to help make my country a better place (especially for my two girls.) Thanks and have a wonderful day. I haven't been called "young lady" in quite a while.
    P.S I have never said people in Iraq shouldn't be free. Not once. But thanks for trying!


  4. Precisely the point I were making. If you guys think the liberation of Iraq is wrong, how else would those people every been free live as human beings? I want a better worlf for my children and your children as well. I'll agree with you on that statement. I love the fact in america we can have disagreements but when come to the foundation of america we're willing to stand together.
    I find it sad that your comments make it that the 54 million that voted for our president is wrong and by president winning our country is going to fall apart. Morality should be somethign we all put first in our lives reagrdless what religious beliefs one have. I find it much more dangerous to have a society that whatever goes is way it'll be. But to descride our president and leaders as " faithless wackos" is shameful.
    Don't think I'm against you. I really enjoy reading your writings. Your a very bright person from what I read. I feel you have a very nice family. But I don't understand your stance on the issues. Don't think us religious ppl. hate gays. We hate their actions. If dogs and cats can figure out sexuality. why can't humans? Have a good evening, Young Lady Tracy ( no pun intended). Good day!

  5. I think the "we hate their actions" argument is a cop out. There are lots of things people do in this world that I thing are wrong or maybe even immoral but I don't want to legislate against them. Furthermore, I don't even think there is any right or wrong when it comes to sexuality. (You think there are no gay animals out there? Hmmm.) My dad said to me the other day that I would understand his position on gay marriage if I was religious. I still disagree because even if I believed the bible word for word (which is a whole new ball of wax when you consider all the other things we like to leave out) I still firmly believe in the separation of church and state. Any argument I have heard against gay marriage or civil unions involves the bible. Every one.
    If you read my other posts, even though fear this country is headed in the wrong direction, I sincerely hope this president will PROVE ME WRONG. However, I wanted him to prove my reservations wrong when he was put in office last time and it did not happen. Nonetheless, I still hold out hope. My goal is not to be right about everything. I do not want bad things to happen to this country. I will, however, stand up and protest any laws based on biblical teaching being written into the constittuion.
    Sorry if I was snarky before. I just vehemently disagree. And I'm also surprised that anyone even reads what I have to say!
    Too bad North Korea doesn't have any oil. They could really use some liberation too!

  6. No it's too bad you liberal just some how appear on the face of the earth. I guess atoms clash together and there you were. Don't say religious ppl support hate base on fact of our stance on morals. The democrated party is whats wrong with america. Only reason you guys have little power as you do. Is the fact that your party has dupe black americans with thought the democrats stand with them. While whole time you guys have boat load pork in your messages ( gay right compared to civil rights) is injustice. Thats insult to everything Mlk died for. And they have no choice base on fact your party have embedded in thier minds we ( republicans) are the evil empire. If you're such an loving peaceful person why not confess your party as one of hyprocrites. I see democrats as the main cause of major divid in our country.
    Yes I republican and my husband makes six figures. We are christians ( which its an insults when call us religious). Pick up an dictionary next time you write or maybe later an look up the word. Just worldly jargon of yours. And we don't hate people. You seem be a sane person and no way in world you cna justify gay marraige. And you call yourself an responsible parent. I beg to differ. Where you guys get your education? Plus where in world is a gay animal. Are you serious?

  7. Thanks for your comments. I guess we are just very different and will always disagree. As for your comment on me needing a dictionary , I would argue the same for yourself but hey, now I'm just being petty!
    But enough with the fighting. I sincerely wish you and your family all the best. Life is too short to be angry and hateful (something I teach my girls, being the irresponsible parent that I am.) And in all truth, I think Christianity is a wonderful religion- I just don't support a faith-based government. I would like to see an argument against gay marriage that doesn't have it's roots in religion. But there I go again, talking about stuff people like us will never agree on. I would argue, though, that while you complain about republican sterotypes, you have your own stereotypes about liberals as well. I am guilty of making generalizations myself and am constantly working on trying to be objective. Though I do not agree with you, I do respect your point of view.
    Anyway, as I said before, I wish you all the best. Relax! It's not so bad.
    Oh, and I'm not a democrat. I think the democratic party is completely hypocritical so we do agree on something.

  8. It's always good to discuss issues. Never take anything I say personally. I have no reason nor any desire to hate you Tracy. We're americans and thats counts the most. Do have a wonderful thanks giving and christmas ( holiday season) ahead. I don't want you think i'm or fellow christians are mean spirited. We just disagree on them and lets celebrate what makes our country great. That's the ability to be able tolerate each other differences. Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Thank you very much. It's wonderful that we live in a country where we are allowed to voice such differences! Happy holidays to you too!
