Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Hey There!

Just getting back into the groove of things after my day of sloth. Yesterday I really needed to cleanse my system after the ridiculous amount of food (namely ICE CREAM) I ate on Sunday. Lots of fluids, a bit of exercise... I'm feeling back to normal now but oooooooooh was that cookies and cream ever good. Jason's going to be out tonight for a programmers meeting so that means that me and my girls will be popping some popcorn later and enjoying our weekly dose of Bo Bice from American Idol. Juliana says: "I LIKE ROCKER GUYS!"


Don't we all?

It's too beautiful outside to blog!


  1. Yes, or at least we all should. lol I was sad to see Constantine go and hope Bo makes it all the way. Have a great day!
    (still pregnant, and it's my due date)

  2. Oh, don't even get me started on Constantine! At least his Bohemian Rhapsody rendition was good for a laugh though. I loved it when Bill Maher said on his show a few weeks ago, "To the American Idol Guy: STOP TRYING TO HUMP ME THROUGH MY TELEVISION." ;-)

  3. ROFL. I think he was a good former theater guy. That's probably why I liked him, since he wasn't really a rocker. lol
