Thursday, April 1, 2004

The "L" Word

I'm so happy that I get to listen to Al Franken on Air America Radio now! It's about time somebody started countering all the nonsense that comes out of Rush Limbaugh's face every day. Air America premiered yesterday at noon and I listened to it most of the afternoon and I have it on again this morning. I only wish it was on in more cities because people already tend to have more liberal leaning views in places like New York, Chicago and L.A. All in good time I guess. I'm beginning to feel a little more positive about the upcoming election now (although I'm still not fully on the Kerry bandwagon). However, I think more and more people are starting to wake up and see all the faults in the current administration and are starting to get really angry about it. There's still a long way to go until November but I'm grabbing onto this positive feeling for the time being. I was so angry yet happy at the same time to hear Richard Clarke's testimony before the 9/11 panel this week- first becuase I had read about his claims in Al Franken's book last year, and second because he seemed completely genuine, sincere and knowledgable in his allegations against the President. The White House can say whatever they want to try to tarnish Clarke's character but I'm still waiting for them to produce any evidence that what he is claiming is false. Does anybody have any records of the supposed "homeland defense task force" meetings that should have met in the first half of 2001? Cheney was appointed chair, so maybe he has the minutes stashed away somewhere...

Ok, enough of that. I was thinking of commenting on the Unborn Victims of Violence Act that is being signed into law by Bush today but I'll probably just get all riled up and make myself angry and that's no way to start the day! Later perhaps...

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