Monday, April 17, 2006


I just realized today that I have absolutely no idea how to potty train a child. No idea. It's amazing that Juliana ever got trained at all because I just remember an entire year of fighting and struggling with her about it until one day it was just done and I honestly don't know how it happened.

You might that think the second time around would be easier but then I would have to tell you what a quaint little thought that is and pat you on the head.


  1. We just potty-trained Julianna. We waited until she was uber-ready. That's the only advice I can give. If she's not interested, you're just going to be training yourself. I was never into that, so we waited.. and here she is almost 3, but whatever. It's not as if she's 5 and not trained yet! :)

  2. I've heard of getting a doll that has to pee too, so that she can feed the doll, then say, ok, she has to pee. I heard that on Dr. Phil. It seemed to work for all of the children they worked with. Sorry, that's my only advice!

  3. My mom tells me she had trouble potty-training me. She ended up buying me really pretty, lacy underwear and telling me that going in the potty would keep them from getting messy (in which case I wouldn't be able to wear them anymore). Apparently I never made another mess. I don't know what happened to the prissy girly-girl in me . . .

  4. It's nice that my mom hasn't piped up yet, because I know she had a terrible time potty training me. But eventually I learned. I don't remember any of it so I don't have any great tricks to share!

  5. I guess that's my cue to share the story. I won't tell all the embarrasing details; just that the "big day" arrived quite unexpectedly. A friend who had a little girl the same age was visiting. Donna had been potty trained for a while. Once Diane saw Donna using the potty, she must have finally figured out that it wasn't just for adults. She promptly ripped off her diaper and hopped on. That was it. Diane has always been one to seek the advice of her peers over her mother. ;)
