Saturday, November 8, 2003


Well, I've pretty much reached a point in this pregnancy where I basically feel like garbage all the time, to what better way to lift my spirits than by purchasing new dvds!! Juliana and I were at the Blockbuster when it opened on Tuesday to get a copy of Finding Nemo before it was even on the shelves. This was the first movie she saw in a theater and was very excited to get it. Needless to say, we've already watched it twice along with all the extras, which are great. Between watching the behind the scenes footage on this dvd and the extras on the Monster's Inc. disc, I have concluded that Pixar Studios must be one of the most happiest places on earth. The people who work there have entirely too much fun.

Another good purchase we made over the past weekend was the Angel Season 2 dvd set. I've been fairly disappointed so far with the season that is underway right now so I'm really looking forward to watching these episodes again. This set has one of my favorite Angel episodes- "Darla," which originally aired as a complimentary episode to Buffy season 5's "Fool for Love". I thought both were great stories that showed the overlapping history of Angel, Darla, Spike and Drusilla. Yay! I can't wait to watch now, but it's obviously not suitable viewing for three year olds so I"ll have to wait a couple of hours for bedtime.

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