Juliana's birthday party was this past weekend and she had so much fun! She adores her new dollhouse and plays with it nonstop. I can even hear her playing with it at 6AM before she comes out to wake up me and Jason. I'm so happy she loves it! Today is her actual birthday and we took her to the bakery for a birthday doughnut and later to the library to pick out some new books and videos. She' been singing "Happy Birthday to Me" all day too! We got a package of really cute clothes in the mail from my grandparents which totally made her entire afternoon. She flips whenever we get a package in the mail. Good girl!
Well, since Jason and I didn't really get to celebrate our anniversary over the weekend, it looks like we may be going to
Cafe Siboney either tomorrow or Thursday. MMMMMMMMMMmmmm. I can't wait! Food=Good. Especially for very hungry pregnant women.
Also, for the first time in the nearly 10 years that I've known Jason, he brought me home a bouquet of roses! I don't know whether to be really happy or kind of annoyed that it's taken him 10 years to buy me flowers! I think I'll go with happy and just let him know that he's not off the hook until 2013.
I think the bum is getting off lightly!