Ava's first school photo:

Juliana the third grader:

Funny thing: I checked the box for a red background but Juliana argued for a blue one "to match her eyes." Look what color came back. Hmmm.
A space for random things.
Run. Dance. Sweat. Breathe.
I'm a mom, runner, dancer, and general fitness enthusiast living in Milwaukee with two daughters and a husband who looks like an 1890s prospector. I love all things related to Buffy, Doctor Who, red wine, Jon Stewart, and the land of snark. I am very liberal. Somebody once told me they laughed at every "thick-headed imperviousness thought" that passed through my head. This made me want to wrap my arms around the internet and give it a big, wet, kiss.
Ava's picture looks almost identical to Bailee's kindergarten picture. Besides the dress, I'd say they were twins, with their bright blonde hair and their cute bangs. She looks too old! And love the blue background, that's also something Bailee would do.
ReplyDeleteSO CUTE!
ReplyDeleteThe fact that they get to choose backgrounds still amazes me. ALSO: for high school yearbook pictures, various poses are now available rather than the traditional mug shot pose. WOW!